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Functions for parsing Fount API responses


Convert pandas series into appropriate numeric types.

  • Float and int values are returned directly with no conversion.
  • String values are converted to int if possible, else float. Otherwise, return the series with no conversion.


Name Type Description Default
series Series

Pandas series to convert to numeric type



Type Description

Pandas series with numeric dtype, or current dtype if coercion is not possible

Source code in bavapi/parsing/
def convert_numeric(series: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    """Convert pandas series into appropriate numeric types.

    - Float and int values are returned directly with no conversion.
    - String values are converted to int if possible, else float. Otherwise, return the
    series with no conversion.

    series : pd.Series
        Pandas series to convert to numeric type

        Pandas series with numeric dtype, or current dtype if coercion is not possible
    if series.dtype in (float, int):
        return series
        return series.astype(int)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return series.astype(float, errors="ignore")

flatten(mapping, parent='', sep='_', prefix='', expand=False)

Recursively flatten all nested mappings and lists in the given mapping.

Returns an iterator because it expands any nested lists into new dictionaries, then yields each repeated dictionary with its corresponding value from the list.

This is equivalent to a JOIN operation in a relational database, where lists represent multiple entries on the right table of the JOIN.

Note: If many nested lists are present, this function will generate as many entries as the PRODUCT of the nested lists. If the mapping has one nested list with 5 elements, and another nested list with 5 elements, the function will yield 25 (5x5) dictionaries in total.


Name Type Description Default
mapping dict[str, Any]

Dictionary with potential nested dictionaries and lists of dictionaries

parent str

Parent key for generating children keys, default ""

sep str

Separator to use between keys and parent keys, default "_"

prefix str

Prefix for keys that clash with keys in the top-level mapping, default ""

An empty prefix will ignore key conflicts.

expand bool

Whether to expand nested lists into new dictionaries, default False



Type Description
Iterator[dict[str, Any]]

Yield flattened dictionaries.

If expand is True and any nested lists are present, yield each resulting flattened dictionary.

Source code in bavapi/parsing/
def flatten(
    mapping: Entry[T],
    parent: str = "",
    sep: str = "_",
    prefix: str = "",
    expand: bool = False,
) -> Iterator[Dict[str, T]]:
    """Recursively flatten all nested mappings and lists in the given mapping.

    Returns an iterator because it expands any nested lists into new dictionaries,
    then yields each repeated dictionary with its corresponding value from the list.

    This is equivalent to a `JOIN` operation in a relational database, where lists
    represent multiple entries on the right table of the `JOIN`.

    Note: If many nested lists are present, this function will generate as many entries
    as the PRODUCT of the nested lists. If the mapping has one nested list with 5
    elements, and another nested list with 5 elements,
    the function will yield 25 (5x5) dictionaries in total.

    mapping : dict[str, Any]
        Dictionary with potential nested dictionaries and lists of dictionaries
    parent : str
        Parent key for generating children keys, default ""
    sep : str
        Separator to use between keys and parent keys, default "_"
    prefix : str
        Prefix for keys that clash with keys in the top-level mapping, default ""

        An empty prefix will ignore key conflicts.
    expand : bool, optional
        Whether to expand nested lists into new dictionaries, default False

    Iterator[dict[str, Any]]
        Yield flattened dictionaries.

        If expand is True and any nested lists are present, yield each resulting
        flattened dictionary.
    res: Dict[str, T] = {}
    to_expand: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, T]]] = {}
    for k, v in flatten_mapping(mapping, parent, sep, prefix).items():
        if isinstance(v, list) and expand:
            to_expand[k] = v
            res[k] = v

    if not to_expand:
        yield res
        for record in itertools.product(*to_expand.values()):
            res.update(zip(to_expand.keys(), record))
            yield from flatten(res, parent, sep, prefix, expand)

flatten_mapping(mapping, parent='', sep='_', prefix='')

Recursively flattens all nested dictionaries into top level key-value pairs.

Include prefixes or suffixes if nested keys clash with top-level keys.


Name Type Description Default
mapping dict[str, Any]

Dictionary with potential nested dictionaries

parent str

Parent key for generating children keys, default ""

sep str

Separator to use between keys and parent keys, default ""

prefix str

Prefix for nested keys that clash with keys in the top-level mapping, default ""

An empty prefix will ignore key conflicts.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

Flattened dictionary.

Source code in bavapi/parsing/
def flatten_mapping(
    mapping: Entry[T], parent: str = "", sep: str = "_", prefix: str = ""
) -> Dict[str, T]:
    """Recursively flattens all nested dictionaries into top level key-value pairs.

    Include prefixes or suffixes if nested keys clash with top-level keys.

    mapping : dict[str, Any]
        Dictionary with potential nested dictionaries
    parent : str
        Parent key for generating children keys, default ""
    sep : str
        Separator to use between keys and parent keys, default ""
    prefix : str
        Prefix for nested keys that clash with keys in the top-level mapping, default ""

        An empty prefix will ignore key conflicts.

    dict[str, Any]
        Flattened dictionary.
    res: Dict[str, T] = {}
    to_expand: Dict[str, Dict[str, T]] = {}
    for key, value in mapping.items():
        if parent:
            key = f"{parent}{sep}{key}"

        if isinstance(value, dict):
            to_expand[key] = value
            res[key] = value

    with_prefix: Set[str] = (
        {k for k in to_expand if any(_k.startswith(k) for _k in res)}
        if prefix
        else set()

    expanded: Dict[str, T] = {}
    for key, value in to_expand.items():
        if key in with_prefix:
            key = f"{prefix}{sep}{key}"

        expanded.update(flatten_mapping(value, key, sep, prefix))

    return res

parse_response(page, prefix='', index=None, expand=False)

Parse Fount API JSON into a pandas DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
page Iterable[dict[str, Any]]

Page from API response.

prefix str

Prefix to prepend to columns with clashing names, default ""

index str

Column name to use as index, default None.

expand bool

Whether to expand lists of dictionaries into new entries (rows) in the resulting DataFrame, default False.



Type Description

DataFrame of the response data.

Source code in bavapi/parsing/
def parse_response(
    page: Iterable[Entry[T]],
    prefix: str = "",
    index: Optional[str] = None,
    expand: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Parse Fount API JSON into a pandas DataFrame.

    page : Iterable[dict[str, Any]]
        Page from API response.
    prefix : str, optional
        Prefix to prepend to columns with clashing names, default `""`
    index : str, optional
        Column name to use as index, default None.
    expand : bool, optional
        Whether to expand lists of dictionaries into new entries (rows)
        in the resulting DataFrame, default False.

        DataFrame of the response data.
    return (
            (i for item in page for i in flatten(item, prefix=prefix, expand=expand)),
        .dropna(axis=1, how="all")